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Healing Through Action

Founded in 2021, Guardian Sailing is a unique experience designed to help you heal from the negative impact of trauma, PTSD and what we call soul wounds.  The symptoms caused by these experiences can have lasting and devastating effects. Our coursework provide the strategies necessary in building the foundations of healing through faith and clinical arts. Sailing is the engaging and powerful platform we will use to sync our abilities as one team to develop a lasting impression and memorable experience. We will provide concepts in healing of Mind, Body and Spirt to your benefit.

Guardian Sailing Gives Back

Working Toward a Brighter Future

We believe in taking action with urgency and care to serve those who need us most. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others. It’s time to make real change.

Ship's Wheel

Ways We Help

The Focus of Our Efforts

Choose Your Course

Our program provides 3 avenues for your success.

1. Healing- Successful tools to aid you in coping with the daily stress and struggles of your symptoms brought on by PTSD, Trauma or depression.

2.  Cruising- Learn the basics of sailing and put them to use operating the boat from different positions.

3. Racing- Increase your basic knowledge in sailing by challenging  yourself with the benefit of a team on a race course. 

Sailing Race

Find Your Heading

We often lose our sense of direction in life when combating our struggles because they can be overwhelming. Guardian Sailing will help you understand why you are hurting and provide coping skills to decrease or move beyond those ailments. The sailing component adds tremendous value in healing by:

1. Learning exciting new skills to replace the angst and malaise you suffer. 

2. Helping you understand that you are not alone and have a team to support you. 

3. Providing new adventures that create positive and lasting memories to fill your heart with joy.  

Compass Pointing North

Challenge Yourself

In order for positive change to take place you have to put in the time and effort. Our courses are designed to help you approach your troubles from different angles so you can identify each one and start dismantling their cause by learning the WHY and how to combat it in a healthy and positive way. Next, sailing together as a team helps you build the self confidence to change your circumstances and enrich your life in new ways. 



Teamwork has incredible value and we want you to be a part of ours. Partner with us through a donation, gift in kind, or your time in person. We would love to speak with you more. Please message us below. 


Contact Us

MAIL:  Eugene, OR  97404

PHONE: (541) 514-0514

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