What are some benefits of recreational therapy?
"Recreation’s purpose is not to pass time, but to make time live; not to keep a person occupied, but to keep him or her refreshed; not to offer an escape from life, but to provide a discovery of life."
~Author Unknown
How Many Experience Trauma?
"70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. That’s 223.4 million people."
~National Council for Mental Wellbeing
How many people suffer from PTSD in the US?
Around 70% of adults in the United States have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime.
Up to 20% of these people go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder.
Approximately 5% of Americans – more than 13 million people – have PTSD at any given time.
Approximately 8.7% of all adults – 1 in 13 people in the U.S. will develop PTSD at some point in their lifetime.
Approximately 3.6% of adults in the U.S. suffer from PTSD in a given year.
Of people in the U.S. who experience a traumatic event, 1 in 5 of them will develop the condition.
36.6% of PTSD cases are severe, 33.1% are moderate, and 30.2% are mild according to a study by Harvard Medical School in 2007
~National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
What are the benefits of Guardian Sailing?
Improve physical and cognitive abilities
Increase confidence and self-esteem
Foster greater involvement in the community
Strengthen interpersonal skills and relationships
Improve coping and adaptation skills
Enhance well-being
Encourage a greater sense of accomplishment
Realize the benefits of a healthy leisure lifestyle
~ESS Support Services